ReferencesThies sensors, weather stations, regional authorities, anemometers and austrian national railways

Dynamic Line Rating (DLR)

Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) with Thies CLIMA: Precision for overhead lines

Our sensors provide weather data for weather-dependent grid control. The Ultrasonic 2D Compact measures wind speed and wind direction directly on the mast with maximum precision. The CLIMA Sensor US combines wind, temperature and humidity measurement in one robust device. In combination with DLR solutions, the devices provide the data basis for dynamic grid optimization, which increases the line load by up to 30 % and helps to reduce bottlenecks - a key technology for modern power grids.

14 Years of Reliable Weather Data at Sea

14 Years of Reliable Weather Data at Sea

Our 2D ultrasonic wind sensor with LED display unit has been delivering accurate wind and weather data for 14 years – without any faults. Electro-Technical Officer Phil Golding shares: "A great piece of equipment"! Thies CLIMA weather stations are built for the toughest maritime conditions. Resistant to saltwater, high winds, and vibrations, they ensure precise data for safe navigation and docking maneuvers. More product details: Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D

Windmessung am Himmelsgipfel:

Improved road safety on Austria's roads!

Long-standing successful partnership with RR Kommunal . For over a decade, the Thies CLIMA Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM) has been providing data for monitoring and controlling the Austrian highway and expressway network (ASFINAG) . The device provides precise data on the type and intensity of precipitation. More details about the LPM.

Wind measurement at the top of the sky

Wind measurement at the top of the sky

The Thies Ultrasonic 3D wind measurement instrument crowns the top of Merdeka PNB 118 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With a height of almost 700 meters, the building towers over the skyline as an imposing landmark. The high-precision ultrasonic anemometer records the wind in all three axes, including upward movements. With two devices, one for redundancy, the focus is on maximum accuracy and reliability.
Further information available:
product details
(aprox.. 436.8 kByte)

Wind measurement in ski jumping: The silent helpers!

Wind measurement in ski jumping: The silent helpers!

In the world of ski jumping, our ultrasonic anemometers are constantly working in the background - they are the silent helpers. These high-precision anemometers play an inconspicuous but crucial role by continuously and accurately measuring the wind conditions with their ultrasonic measuring principle. Since 2009, the wind factor calculated from these wind readings has been an official part of the scoring for the jumps. The wind measurements contribute to more fairness and safety. In a sport that is often described as a "wind lottery", our anemometers help to make the influence of the weather on the athletic success of ski jumpers calculable, so that athletic performances can be compared as objectively as possible. Of course, the jumpers also use the wind data to prepare for the jump and to help the organizers ensure the safety of all participants. And despite all the technology, it is still a risky sport, so we admire all the ski jumpers who fearlessly throw themselves down the jumps and jump incredible distances. And despite all the technology, it is still a risky sport, so we admire all the ski jumpers who fearlessly plunge down the hills and jump incredible distances.

Product Details: Ultrasonic 3D Anemometer

Tram equipped with mobile climate station

Measure and improve air quality together - get on board! As a Smart City model city, Mannheim is working on concepts and implementations of a sustainable and liveable city of tomorrow, carried out by Smart City Mannheim GmbH. One innovative approach is the use of trams as mobile measuring stations for weather and environmental data. The trams are equipped with Thies Clima sensors to record weather data such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction as well as air quality. GPS and electronic magnetic compass allow more precise data to be collected for the current location. With its own sensors optimised for mobile applications, Thies Clima offers solutions for the growing need for data-based environmental management in urban areas.Climate research

Related Links:
- Tram equipped withThies Clima Sensors
Clima Sensor US - Weather Station
HYGRO-, THERMO-, BARO and Fine Dust (Combi Sensor)
DLU-E - Data Logger
Infrared temperatur sensor

- Thies Clima Industry Concepts: Climate Research

Thies sensors for the German Weather Service

For its measuring network, the German Weather Service is using the Laser Precipitation Monitor , the ULTRASONIC Anemometers 2D, and the ULTRASONIC Anemometers 3D 4.3830.44.340 together with a heated shaft tube for the mountain stations.

Further information:

Weather Stations in the METEOGROUP Measuring Network

The THIES CLIMA company has installed more than 600 stations with the weather measuring network of the METEOGROUP in Germany, Switzerland and in Austria. Maintenance is carried out by our service technicians of THIES SYSTEMS once a year.

Further information:

Regional Authorities for Environmental Protection

Anemometers for Wind Power

THIES anemometers are used by leading companies in the field of wind industry for controlling the wind power plants.

Austrian Federal Railways

10 years of ÖBB and Thies CLIMA: Precision and reliability in weather monitoring along the rail network. Please note our press release, January 2024: 10 years of partnership between ÖBB and Thies CLIMA: A look back at precision and reliability!
Further information:

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Adolf Thies GmbH & Co. KG Hauptstraße 76 37083 Göttingen Alemania Teléfono +49 551 / 79001-0
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